
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Grand Opening!

What's up everybody?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I am BroncoChase and am looking forward to providing you with anything and everything sports that I can possibly think of. But don't be alarmed, I am no one trick pony. There will be plenty of banter and critiques of movies, music, entertainment in general, and just about anything else that you can think of. I am opinionated about most things and that will come through in my posts. Some of you will like me and some of you won't. I am OK with that and my life will go on regardless. Just know that first impressions are important and I hope to give a good one right here. However, if you don't like me at first, I am man enough to give you another chance and I hope you are as well (or woman enough!) Just as the title says, this is a grand opening. This means that you are free to poke around and check out the merchandise!
Let me start by explaining a little bit about myself. I currently reside in Boise, Idaho where I have been since I was 11 years old. I recently graduated from Boise State University with a major in mass communication/journalism and a minor in Spanish. ¡Por eso te diré algunas cosas en este idioma! ¡Ojalá que me entiendas! I am a die hard fan of anything Boise State Broncos, especially football! I was in Glendale, AZ and inside the stadium for the Broncos second Fiesta Bowl win (I missed the first one and was not going to let it happen again!) and I witnessed the magic and glory first hand. Chris Petersen is a man-beast, just in case you were wondering! So naturally, a lot of my posts will touch on Boise State and the current state of Bronco Nation. I do, however, love all sports and will share plenty about plenty.
Feel free to comment about anything that I post, but keep it clean. I am a family friendly blog! Let's shoot for a Disney rating. I don't want the lame "G" rated kiddy cartoon Disney, more like the "Pirates of the Caribbean" or "Prince of Persia" "PG-13 rated type. That's how I roll.
Anyway, all is well in Broncoland and the greater Northwest. I hope all of you are taking it easy as well. Feel free to check back soon and I will have more posted. If you just can't wait until then, I also leave film reviews on under the name "Chase G". Go check it out. Thanks everybody! Peace!

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